Ex Gratia Payments For People With Haemophilia Affected By Hepatitis C
EDM number 1894 in 2002-03, proposed by HELEN CLARK on 10/11/2003.
That this House welcomes the announcement by the Government on 29th August that it is to provide ex gratia payments for people with haemophilia infected with hepatitis C through treatment by the NHS with contaminated blood products, but fears that the amount of the payments may be set too low to provide adequate support and that it will exclude some who have suffered most from this virus, such as widows of those who have died, those who are co-infected with HIV and haemophiliacs who have endured many years' physical, emotional and financial hardship before finally being cured of the disease; and urges the Government to ensure that these key groups are included in its ex gratia payment scheme and that the sums provided reflect fairly the severe impact of hepatitis C on those infected.
This motion has been signed by a total of 46 MPs.
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