Observer Report On Omagh Atrocity
EDM number 1887 in 2002-03, proposed by Harry Barnes on 06/11/2003.
That this House is deeply disturbed at accusations in a report by Henry McDonald in the Observer on 19th October that senior Irish police officers ignored a clear warning about the Omagh bomb atrocity from a Real IRA informer, Paddy Dixon, and that the bomb, which killed 29 people and two unborn babies in the single biggest atrocity of the Troubles, was allowed to go through to preserve Dixon's role in the terrorist organisation; shares the concerns of relatives of those killed and maimed in the Omagh atrocity and their call for a public inquiry, on both sides of the Irish border, into Dixon's claims; further endorses the relatives' plea that Dixon be interviewed by the Police Service of Northern Ireland; and calls upon the Government to facilitate this as a matter of urgency.
This motion has been signed by a total of 19 MPs.
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