Grease Separators
EDM number 1835 in 2002-03, proposed by Howard Stoate on 29/10/2003.
That this House notes that the disposal of fats, oils and greases into the sewerage system is the cause of up to 90 per cent. of blockages within the system and results in the flooding and pollution of hundreds of domestic, public and commercial buildings each year; notes that one of the major contributors to the problem is the inappropriate disposal of fats, oils and greases from commercial hot food premises such as restaurants, pubs and fast food outlets; welcomes the new building regulation that requires kitchen drainage outlets in all newly built commercial hot food premises to be fitted with a grease separator to prevent the entry of fats, oils and greases into the sewerage system; but calls on the Government to extend this requirement to all commercial hot food premises.
This motion has been signed by a total of 48 MPs.
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