Great Britain Railcard
EDM number 1608 in 2002-03, proposed by Mark Lazarowicz on 16/07/2003.
That this House supports the call for the introduction of a Great Britain Railcard covering the whole of the British rail network and offering rail passengers off-peak discount travel; congratulates Railfuture and The Railway Consultancy for their forward-thinking work on this issue; notes the potential benefits of such a scheme, including a significant increase in rail use by leisure travellers, thereby helping to encourage a switch from road to rail, increased revenues for the rail industry, greater use of existing capacity on off-peak services, and higher levels of social inclusion; points to the high uptake of similar schemes on the Continent and the success in the United Kingdom of the Network South East Card, Senior Card and Young Person's Railcard in stimulating demand for rail travel; and calls on the Strategic Rail Authority and the Association of Train Operating Companies fully to endorse the proposals for such a card and to examine ways of introducing it across the network as soon as possible.
This motion has been signed by a total of 57 MPs.
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