Newcastle/gateshead 2005
EDM number 1381 in 2002-03, proposed by David Clelland on 10/06/2003.
That this House congratulates Newcastle/Gateshead on quickly recovering from the disappointment at losing the bid to be the European Capital of Culture 2008 by adopting the new slogan, 2008 Why wait? Newcastle/Gateshead 2005; notes the preparations now underway to welcome the biggest ever tall ships event to the Tyne in 2005 and the British Arts Show, To The Baltic, a year that will see the first full season of the magnificent Sage Gateshead Music Centre, the opening of Dance City, the completion of the restoration of Saltwell Park, the reopening of Newcastle Playhouse as a European centre for the Theatre's Ideas Factory etc; wishes the partnership and the people of the North East well in their preparations; and calls upon Her Majesty's Government to reward their hard work and dedication by offering every assistance to the development of the programme of events planned for the North East's own cultural revolution.
This motion has been signed by a total of 31 MPs.
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