Democratic Republic Of Congo
EDM number 1315 in 2002-03, proposed by Caroline Spelman on 03/06/2003.
That this House condemns the recent violence seen in the Democratic Republic of Congo, particularly in the Ituri region; expresses extreme concern about the humanitarian crisis in the Democratic Republic of Congo; notes that Kofi Annan recently warned of massive killings of civilians; further notes that Carla del Ponte, Prosecutor of the International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda, described the situation as potentially genocidal; highlights the fact that since 1998, the conflict in the Democratic Republic of Congo has claimed up to four million lives; supports the recent deployment of British troops; in view of the present demands on British forces urges the Government to ask other governments to help to build a sufficient multi-national peace-keeping force; and calls for greater diplomatic and political engagement by the British Government to avert a potential genocide in the Democratic Republic of Congo.
This motion has been signed by a total of 56 MPs.
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