Wales And Euro 2004 Football Qualifying Tournament
EDM number 1095 in 2002-03, proposed by Adam Price on 28/04/2003.
That this House notes that after playing four games and winning each game, the Welsh national football team comfortably top their Europe 2004 qualifying group; recognises that two of these victories included comprehensive defeats of Azerbaijan; notes with deep concern that FIFA has decided to suspend Azerbaijan from all international competition following claims of violations of the FIFA code of conduct; further notes with deeper concern that UEFA is considering expunging Azerbaijan's games including a creditable 2-2 draw away to Serbia; further notes that this situation will be of high benefit to Italy and Serbia; and calls on FIFA to halt all action against Azerbaijan until after the end of the qualifying campaign and for fair play for the Welsh national football team.
This motion has been signed by a total of 25 MPs.
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