Obesity, The National Audit Office And Toast
EDM number 648 in 2001-02, proposed by Bob Russell on 14/01/2002.
That this House notes the Report on Obesity in England produced by the National Audit Office in February 2001 which found that 21 per cent. of women and 17 per cent. of men were obese in 1998 and that currently over half of women and two thirds of men are overweight; also notes with concern the National Audit Office conclusion that 18 million sick days and 30,000 deaths occur as a result each year leading to annual costs of ú0.5 billion to the NHS and ú2 billion to the economy; further notes that according to The Obesity Awareness and Solutions Trust, 1,000 people become obese every day in the United Kingdom; observes that, whilst helpful, Government advice to eat five portions of fruit and vegetables daily and take appropriate exercise has not stemmed the tide of obesity, and is inadequate for those who are already overweight; welcomes both the National Conference on Obesity organised by the National Audit Office on 21st January to highlight concerns on these issues and the publication by TOAST of its new Report 'Obesity: A Call for Action'; accepts that obesity have many complex causes and require a range of solutions; and urges Her Majesty's Government urgently to review its policies in this area, to work to achieve the implementation of the TOAST Action Plan, and to set clear measurable targets for halting the increase in obesity and ultimately reducing its incidence.
This motion has been signed by a total of 60 MPs.
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