Bodyshop Human Rights Awards 2002
EDM number 1834 in 2001-02, proposed by Michael Connarty on 29/10/2002.
That this House congratulates the Body Shop Human Rights Award Committee for recognising the importance of the right to housing in 2002; notes the award to the value of three hundred thousand dollars was shared by the Romani Baht Foundation representing Roma people in Sofia, Bulgaria, by the National Committee for the Defence of the Rights of the Internally Displaced in Israel, by the ILISHE Trust representing the Majaoni community and the slum dwellers of Mombasa, Kenya and by COPINH representing the indigenous and popular organisations in Honduras; and calls on the Government to recognise and give priority to the right to adequate housing as a basis human rights in the United Kingdom and in its contacts with other governments in Europe and the world.
This motion has been signed by a total of 47 MPs.
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