Leicester City Football Club And Mr Gary Lineker
EDM number 1784 in 2001-02, proposed by Keith Vaz on 21/10/2002.
That this House regrets the announcement that Leicester City Football Club has been placed into administration; recognises that its serious financial position is due to a large extent to the collapse of ITV digital; strongly welcomes, however, the announcement that the consortium led by Gary Lineker, one of the city's most famous sons who brought glory to his club and country, is to bid to take over the club; further welcomes the fact that the objective of the consortium in the words of Greg Clarke the Chairman of Leicester City plc is to buy back Leicester City as a going concern from the administrator and to back Micky Adams and his team in their quest for promotion to the Premiership; and very much hopes that this will be achieved with the minimum delay.
This motion has been signed by a total of 23 MPs.
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