World Population Day
EDM number 1604 in 2001-02, proposed by Chris McCafferty on 10/07/2002.
That this House calls attention to the World Population Day on 11th July; commends the United Nations' Population Fund for designating this date in 1989 to focus attention on the importance of world population and reproductive health issues; endorses the concepts of sexual and reproductive health and rights as enshrined in the 1994 International Conference on Population and Development's Programme of Action; calls upon the Government and the EU to recommit to the ICPD Programme of Action at the World Summit on Sustainable Development in Johannesburg as sustainable development rests on social progress; believes that empowering women as full partners in sustainable development is one of the surest strategies to ensure social progress, combat poverty and environment degradation, secure democracy and find lasting harmony in the global human condition; and further believes that social progress must start with providing choices, including those of environmental protection and family size, through education and universal access to comprehensive reproductive health services.
This motion has been signed by a total of 42 MPs.
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