Animal Experimentation At Porton Down
EDM number 625 in 2000-01, proposed by Alan Simpson on 01/05/2001.
That this House regrets that despite representations from honourable Members, Her Majesty's Government still refuses to ban unnecessary animal experiments at the Ministry of Defence's Chemical and Biological Defence Establishment at Porton Down; is disgusted at the continued torture and slaughter of innocent animals exposed by the Sunday People; congratulates the newspaper on its ongoing campaign to put a stop to this barbarity; thanks TV actress Samantha Robson for delivering 10,000 letters from Sunday People readers to the Ministry of Defence demanding a ban on these pointless tests; and urges the Secretary of State for Defence to read every one so he can see for himself the strength of public feeling in favour of ending this unspeakable cruelty.
This motion has been signed by a total of 20 MPs.
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