Listing Of Gm Seeds
EDM number 650 in 1999-00, proposed by David Heath on 14/04/2000.
That this House opposes the decision of the Government to proceed with the addition of Chardon LL genetically-modified maize to the national seed list; notes that this is in contradiction to the express promise to maintain a moratorium on the commercial exploitation of GM crops until trials have been successfully completed; further condemns the charge of ú30 on individuals and organisations who wish to place a written objection to listing, and the further charge of ú60 on those who wish to appear at a hearing; regards this as a restriction on freedom of speech and an affront to basic democratic rights; notes that, following changes to regulations, even this opportunity will in future be removed to be replaced by ministerial discretion; and calls upon the Government to open the seed listing process to full and public scrutiny, and to withdraw the proposed listing of Chardon LL.
This motion has been signed by a total of 34 MPs.
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