Parliament Website

City Status For Chelmsford

EDM number 612 in 1999-00, proposed by Simon Burns on 06/04/2000.

That this House welcomes the Home Office's clarification that applications for city status, including one from Chelmsford, are still being actively considered and that no final decisions have yet been made; thanks the Parliamentary Under-Secretary of State for taking the initiative in writing to honourable Members to clear up this confusion; and believes that Chelmsford as the county town of Essex, the cathedral town for the diocese of Chelmsford and the site of local government administration for Essex County Council has an overwhelming and outstanding case for city status.

This motion has been signed by a total of 3 MPs.

Simon Burns06/04/2000West ChelmsfordConservativeProposed
Jeremy Corbyn07/04/2000Islington NorthLabourSigned
Alan Simpson17/05/2000Nottingham SouthLabourSigned

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