Children At Risk
EDM number 454 in 1999-00, proposed by Alan Meale on 29/02/2000.
That this House congratulates the British Institute of Innkeeping on the publication of its special report 'Children at Risk', which exposed hard proof that cheap smuggled alcohol is now openly being sold throughout Britain to those most vulnerable in our society; is alarmed by evidence presented in the report, that children as young as eight years old are being sold these alcoholic products; notes that, apart from the evasion of duty tax, which removes revenue from such areas as the NHS and education, these illegal sales promote under-age drinking and alcohol abuse and are extremely damaging to young people and families; and calls upon the Government to seriously examine the BII's excellent report and to take immediate steps to stop such illegal activities which will create grave social consequences in the communities affected.
This motion has been signed by a total of 87 MPs, 1 of these signatures have been withdrawn.
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