Autistic Spectrum Disorders
EDM number 24 in 1999-00, proposed by Evan Harris on 17/11/1999.
That this House notes the alarming increase in the prevalence of autism reported in recent studies and therefore urges the Department of Health to establish a register to monitor the prevalence of autism and associated disorders as soon as possible; urges the Department of Health to commission research into potential causes of autistic spectrum disorders; recognises the research-based concensus on the beneficial impact of early intervention; therefore deplores the critical shortfall of both diagnostic facilities and provision of early intervention in the United Kingdom, while welcoming the facilitation of mainstream school places with appropriate support for those children on the autistic spectrum for whom it is appropriate, notes that the demand for autism specific educational facilities far outstrips provision; observes that, as a result, cases of children on the autistic spectrum are the fastest growing sector of the work of the Special Educational Needs Tribunal; notes the lack of statutory support for adults with autistic spectrum disorders; recognises the cost-effectiveness of employment services for such adults; endorses projects that recognise the contribution that people with autistic spectrum disorders can make to society; and finally calls for the setting up of an all party parliamentary group of honourable Members to address these issues.
This motion has been signed by a total of 145 MPs, 2 of these signatures have been withdrawn.
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