Billington War Memorial
EDM number 1129 in 1999-00, proposed by Nigel Evans on 08/11/2000.
That this House condemns thuggery and mindless violence but in particular the vandalism against war memorials perpetrated by small groups of mindless thugs; deplores the vandalism of the Billington War Memorial in the Ribble Valley; congratulates the British Legion, Billington and Whalley Brass Band and Billington Parish Council who have worked together to restore the War Memorial to its original glory; supports the work of the British Legion and other groups in helping to keep alive the memories of those who sacrified their lives fighting for our country during World War I, World War II and other conflicts; and emphasises that this House must also work hard to ensure that every person in the country is made aware of the sacrifices that were made.
This motion has been signed by a total of 20 MPs.
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