Genetically-Modified Organisms In Rio Grande Do Sul
EDM number 624 in 1998-99, proposed by Joan Ruddock on 11/05/1999.
That this House welcomes the visit to the United Kingdom and to Parliament, organised by the Gaia Foundation, of Mr Jose Hermeto Hoffman, Secretary of Agriculture of Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil, and his delegation, in furtherance of their objective of implementing a GMO-free state; notes that Brazil is the second largest soy bean grower in the world, with 20 per cent. of production taking place in Rio Grande do Sul and that transgenic soy bean tolerant to Round-up has been approved by the Brazilian Biosafety Commission and approval for commercial release is under consideration by the Ministry of Agriculture, with a decision expected before the next planting season in August this year; further notes that soy bean is a major source of income earned from exports to Europe and, that a GMO-free Rio Grande do Sul would be able to provide at least five million tons of soy bean to Europe, catering for the clearly expressed consumer demand for GM-free soya; acknowledges the challenges facing the next government of Rio Grande do Sul in instituting their policy of support to small farmers and promotion of sustainable agriculture; applauds their determination and vision; and wishes them every success.
This motion has been signed by a total of 55 MPs.
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