EDM number 399 in 1998-99, proposed by Jeremy Corbyn on 05/03/1999.
That this House notes continuing instability in the Republic of Yemen; deplores the recent kidnapping and killing of innocent tourists; is deeply concerned at the increasing violence between the security services and Yemeni citizens; condemns the continuing gross human rights violations against opponents of the regime and the rising level of censorship and attacks against freedom of expression; is concerned at the detention of British citizens and calls on the Yemen authorities to grant them fair trial in accordance with international legal norms and standards; notes that the instability in Yemen is a result of hatreds and distrust that is a legacy of past conflicts; and urges Her Majesty's Government to exert pressure on the Yemeni regime to engage in a process of comprehensive national reconciliation to set in place a political structure in which all peaceful and popular political groups can participate.
This motion has been signed by a total of 24 MPs.
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