Fairtrade Coffee Challenge
EDM number 153 in 1998-99, proposed by Stephen Twigg on 17/12/1998.
That this House congratulates the Fairtrade Foundation for its work in protecting the basic rights of overseas workers who are producing goods for sale in the United Kingdom; welcomes the Co-operative Bank's Fairtrade Coffee Challenge which ensures that all their employees have the chance to drink Fairtrade marked coffee and further welcomes the decision of many leading British companies to take up this challenge; urges United Kingdom vending companies and contract catering companies to offer Fairtrade marked coffees as part of their range and calls on leading food multinationals to include independently verified Fairtrade products in their range; congratulates the House of Commons Catering Committee's decision to supply Fairtrade coffee; and supports the work of the Secretary of State for International Development in promoting the issue of fair trade.
This motion has been signed by a total of 54 MPs, 1 of these signatures have been withdrawn.
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