Sellafield Mox Plant
EDM number 1701 in 1997-98, proposed by David Chaytor on 27/10/1998.
That this House is concerned at the Environment Agency's proposed decision to allow the British Nuclear Fuels Mixed Oxide Fuel Plant at Sellafield to proceed to the next stage of commissioning; agrees with the Agency that there are 'wider issues associated with plutonium' than those covered by its remit which need to be considered before a final decision on the Sellafield MOX plant is taken; believes that such a decision cannot be taken until the wider health, environmental and proliferation risks of ever-increasing plutonium stocks held in Britain have been publicly discussed and debated; and calls on Her Majesty's Government not to give the go-ahead to the Sellafield MOX plant until there has been a full and independent public inquiry which takes account of the many concerns of the public and honourable Members which remain unaddressed.
This motion has been signed by a total of 57 MPs.
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