United Arab Emirates And Unpaid Salaries To British Citizens
EDM number 1570 in 1997-98, proposed by Peter Bradley on 16/07/1998.
That this House notes that because of a contractual dispute which arose in 1994 between the Canadian company Education Consultant Services and the Technical Studies Institute military college in Abu Dhabi, some 200 employees of ECS, including some 100 British citizens, did not receive salary payments amounting to ú8,000 and more and, some four years later, remain unpaid; notes with concern that the court in Abu Dhabi found in favour of the employees, ordered ECS to pay them but has not enforced its judgement; regrets that representations by the British Government and honourable Members on behalf of their constituents have so far failed to persuade the United Arab Emirates' government to ensure that the Technical Studies Institute honour its commitments to members of staff who have suffered much hardship on its behalf; and urges the UAE government to take urgent steps to bring this unhappy set of affairs to a satisfactory and honourable conclusion.
This motion has been signed by a total of 36 MPs.
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