Parliament Website

Taxation Of Married Couples

EDM number 372 in 1996-97, proposed by Michael Alison on 18/12/1996.

That this House notes that the income tax burden on both married couples and lone parents with dependent children has grown more rapidly than that on other taxpayers; and calls on Her Majesty's Government to consult widely, and to publish the results of the consultations concerning how the tax system might better support marriage and the family.

This motion has been signed by a total of 17 MPs.

Michael Alison18/12/1996SelbyProposed
Edward Leigh18/12/1996Gainsborough and HorncastleSigned
William Powell13/01/1997CorbySigned
David Shaw14/01/1997DoverSigned
Martin Smyth14/01/1997Belfast SouthSigned
Peter Hardy14/01/1997WentworthSigned
Paul Tyler14/01/1997North CornwallSigned
Ann Winterton14/01/1997CongletonSigned
Nicholas Winterton15/01/1997MacclesfieldSigned
Marion Roe16/01/1997BroxbourneSigned
Nick Harvey16/01/1997North DevonSigned
Phil Gallie16/01/1997AyrSigned
William McCrea17/01/1997Mid UlsterSigned
Alex Carlile22/01/1997MontgomerySigned
Roy Beggs28/01/1997East AntrimSigned
Anthony Durant19/02/1997Reading WestSigned
Michael Mates24/02/1997East HampshireSigned

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