Parliament Website

United Kingdom Economy

EDM number 932 in 1995-96, proposed by Ann Winterton on 22/05/1996.

That this House notes that the United Kingdom now has the lowest mortgage rate for 30 years, has the lowest basic rate of tax for over 50 years, has the lowest unemployment of any major European country, has had the longest period of low inf lation for 50 years, is number one in Europe for foreign investment, has invested more in pensions than the rest of Europe put together, has seen the number of people entering higher education rise from 1 to 8 to 1 in 3, has more of its people in jobs than any other major European economy, is Europe's largest exporter of televisions and computers, has the lowest tax burden of any major European economy, exports more per person than Japan or the United States of America, has the majority of Europe's most profitable companies, is now selling more goods and services abroad than ever before and has seen the fewest days lost in strikes since records began; congratulates Her Majesty's Government on these achievements; and demands that Her Majesty's Opposition ceases to talk down the succesful nation.

This motion has been signed by a total of 12 MPs.

Ann Winterton22/05/1996CongletonSigned
Nicholas Winterton22/05/1996MacclesfieldSigned
Michael Colvin04/06/1996Romsey and WatersideSigned
John Marshall05/06/1996Hendon SouthSigned
David Nicholson05/06/1996TauntonSigned
Sydney Chapman05/06/1996Chipping BarnetSigned
Phil Gallie05/06/1996AyrSigned
George Gardiner05/06/1996ReigateSigned
Peter Griffiths05/06/1996Portsmouth NorthSigned
Peter Bottomley05/06/1996ElthamSigned
Bill Walker05/06/1996North TaysideSigned
William Powell06/06/1996CorbySigned

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