Parliament Website

Mr Al Fayed

EDM number 407 in 1995-96, proposed by Peter Bottomley on 09/02/1996.

That this House notes that an allegation concerning Mr Mohammed Al Fayed was investigated by the police, reported on by the DPP, and was the subject of a statement by the Crown Prosecution Service that there was no evidence of any criminal offence and that further investigations were not warranted.

This motion has been signed by a total of 5 MPs.

Peter Bottomley09/02/1996ElthamProposed
Andrew Faulds12/02/1996Warley EastSigned
Alex Carlile13/02/1996MontgomerySigned
Dennis Turner14/02/1996Wolverhampton South EastSigned
Paul Tyler14/02/1996North CornwallSigned

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