Parliament Website

Lancashire Cricket Club

EDM number 1164 in 1995-96, proposed by Colin Pickthall on 15/07/1996.

That this House congratulates Lancashire Cricket Club on their magnificent achievement in retaining the Benson and Hedges Cup; also congratulates Northamptonshire on their fine performance in the final; and only regets that the match was not available to millions of the teams' supporters on terrestrial television.

This motion has been signed by a total of 27 MPs.

Colin Pickthall15/07/1996West LancashireProposed
Peter Pike15/07/1996BurnleySigned
Audrey Wise15/07/1996PrestonSigned
Joe Benton15/07/1996BootleSigned
Janet Anderson15/07/1996Rossendale & DarwenSigned
James Callaghan15/07/1996Heywood & MiddletonSigned
Stan Orme15/07/1996Salford EastSigned
Tony Lloyd15/07/1996StretfordSigned
Gordon Prentice15/07/1996PendleSigned
Greg Pope15/07/1996HyndburnSigned
Keith Bradley16/07/1996Manchester, WithingtonSigned
John Evans16/07/1996St Helens NorthSigned
Paul Flynn16/07/1996Newport WestSigned
Robert Parry17/07/1996Liverpool, RiversideSigned
Mike Hall17/07/1996Warrington SouthSigned
Kenneth Eastham17/07/1996Manchester, BlackleySigned
Eric Clarke17/07/1996MidlothianSigned
Alex Carlile17/07/1996MontgomerySigned
Rhodes Boyson17/07/1996Brent NorthSigned
Edward O'Hara17/07/1996Knowsley SouthSigned
Alan Meale17/07/1996MansfieldSigned
Liz Lynne17/07/1996RochdaleSigned
Allan Rogers17/07/1996RhonddaSigned
Doug Hoyle18/07/1996Warrington NorthSigned
Barry Jones18/07/1996Alyn & DeesideSigned
Robert Wareing22/07/1996Liverpool, West DerbySigned
Dennis Turner23/07/1996Wolverhampton South EastSigned

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