Parliament Website

Older Students Allowance

EDM number 642 in 1994-95, proposed by Bryan Davies on 20/02/1995.

That this House condemns the decision to phase out the means-tested allowance payable to older students; notes that the proportion of mature students in higher education has risen significantly over the last decade; recognises that the allowance is worth over ú1,000 per year to large numbers of students; further notes that mature students are likely to have significant financial responsibilities as a result of periods of employment before studying and that many are responsible for caring for dependants; appreciates that mature students are frequently amongst the most highly motivated and successful of students; further recognises that there is a vast pool of talent in society of people who missed out on the chance to enter higher education earlier in their lives who should be encouraged to undertake further study and not deterred from doing so; believes that the development of a successful modern economy depends on the continual enhancement of the skills and knowledge of the workforce and that in a socially just, progressive democracy the widest opportunities for the pursuit of lifelong learning must be available to all; deplores the fact that the withdrawal of the allowances has no educational justification whatsoever; and calls upon the Government as a matter of urgency to reverse its decision to abolish the older students' allowance.

This motion has been signed by a total of 112 MPs, 1 of these signatures have been withdrawn.

Bryan Davies20/02/1995Oldham Central and RoytonProposed
Max Madden20/02/1995Bradford WestSigned
Alan Simpson20/02/1995Nottingham SouthSigned
Nigel Spearing20/02/1995Newham SouthSigned
John Spellar20/02/1995Warley WestSigned
Roy Hughes20/02/1995Newport EastSigned
Eric Illsley20/02/1995Barnsley CentralSigned
Helen Jackson20/02/1995Sheffield, HillsboroughSigned
Alan Keen20/02/1995Feltham & HestonSigned
Eddie Loyden20/02/1995Liverpool, GarstonSigned
Calum MacDonald20/02/1995Na h-Eileanan an IarSigned
Andrew MacKinlay20/02/1995ThurrockSigned
Jim Marshall20/02/1995Leicester SouthSigned
John McFall20/02/1995DumbartonSigned
Kevin McNamara20/02/1995Kingston upon Hull NorthSigned
Bill Michie20/02/1995Sheffield, HeeleySigned
Lewis Moonie20/02/1995KirkcaldySigned
Elliot Morley20/02/1995Glanford and ScunthorpeSigned
Estelle Morris20/02/1995Birmingham, YardleySigned
Anne Campbell20/02/1995CambridgeSigned
Tom Clarke20/02/1995Monklands WestSigned
Michael Connarty20/02/1995Falkirk EastSigned
Jeremy Corbyn20/02/1995Islington NorthSigned
Jim Cousins20/02/1995Newcastle upon Tyne CentralSigned
John Denham20/02/1995Southampton, ItchenSigned
Paul Flynn20/02/1995Newport WestSigned
George Galloway20/02/1995Glasgow HillheadSigned
Joe Ashton20/02/1995BassetlawSigned
Kevin Barron20/02/1995Rother ValleySigned
Gerry Steinberg20/02/1995Durham, City ofSigned
Stephen Timms20/02/1995Newham North EastSigned
Dennis Turner20/02/1995Wolverhampton South EastSigned
Colin Pickthall21/02/1995West LancashireSigned
Peter Pike21/02/1995BurnleySigned
Terry Patchett21/02/1995Barnsley EastSigned
Gordon Prentice21/02/1995PendleSigned
Dawn Primarolo21/02/1995Bristol SouthSigned
Ernie Ross21/02/1995Dundee WestSigned
Dennis Skinner21/02/1995BolsoverSigned
Keith Hill21/02/1995StreathamSigned
Norman Hogg21/02/1995Cumbernauld & KilsythSigned
Doug Hoyle21/02/1995Warrington NorthSigned
Lynne Jones21/02/1995Birmingham, Selly OakSigned
Alice Mahon21/02/1995HalifaxSigned
John McAllion21/02/1995Dundee EastSigned
William McKelvey21/02/1995Kilmarnock & LoudounSigned
Alan Meale21/02/1995MansfieldSigned
Keith Bradley21/02/1995Manchester, WithingtonSigned
Malcolm Chisholm21/02/1995Edinburgh LeithSigned
Eric Clarke21/02/1995MidlothianSigned
John Cummings21/02/1995EasingtonSigned
Lawrence Cunliffe21/02/1995LeighSigned
Jim Dowd21/02/1995Lewisham WestSigned
Jimmy Dunnachie21/02/1995Glasgow, PollokSigned
Norman Godman21/02/1995Greenock and Port GlasgowSigned
Tony Banks21/02/1995Newham North WestSigned
Harry Barnes21/02/1995North East DerbyshireSigned
John Battle21/02/1995Leeds WestSigned
Hugh Bayley21/02/1995York, City ofSigned
Paddy Tipping21/02/1995SherwoodSigned
James Wray21/02/1995Glasgow ProvanSigned
Robert Parry22/02/1995Liverpool, RiversideSigned
Peter Hardy22/02/1995WentworthSigned
Ieuan Wyn Jones22/02/1995Ynys MSigned
Jane Kennedy22/02/1995Liverpool BroadgreenSigned
Ken Livingstone22/02/1995Brent EastSigned
Edward O'Hara22/02/1995Knowsley SouthSigned
Ronnie Campbell22/02/1995Blyth ValleySigned
Robin Corbett22/02/1995Birmingham, ErdingtonSigned
Terry Davis22/02/1995Birmingham, Hodge HillSigned
John Evans22/02/1995St Helens NorthSigned
John Gunnell22/02/1995Leeds South and MorleySigned
Gerry Sutcliffe22/02/1995Bradford SouthSigned
Mike Watson22/02/1995Glasgow CentralSigned
Audrey Wise22/02/1995PrestonSigned
Bridget Prentice23/02/1995Lewisham EastSigned
Denis MacShane23/02/1995RotherhamSigned
Alan Milburn23/02/1995DarlingtonSigned
Richard Burden23/02/1995Birmingham, NorthfieldSigned
Don Foster23/02/1995BathSigned
Win Griffiths23/02/1995BridgendSigned
Bill Etherington24/02/1995Sunderland NorthSigned
David Winnick24/02/1995Walsall NorthSigned
Helen Liddell27/02/1995Monklands EastSigned
Jeremy Bray27/02/1995Motherwell SouthSigned
Margaret Hodge28/02/1995BarkingSigned
Robert Hughes28/02/1995Aberdeen NorthSigned
Peter Kilfoyle28/02/1995Liverpool, WaltonSigned
Gordon Oakes28/02/1995HaltonSigned
David Chidgey28/02/1995EastleighSigned
Michael Clapham28/02/1995Barnsley West & PenistoneSigned
Tom Cox28/02/1995TootingSigned
Jack Thompson28/02/1995WansbeckSigned
Eric Martlew01/03/1995CarlisleSigned
Jean Corston01/03/1995Bristol EastSigned
Mike Hall01/03/1995Warrington SouthSigned
Robert Wareing01/03/1995Liverpool, West DerbySigned
Joe Benton03/03/1995BootleSigned
Kevin Hughes06/03/1995Doncaster NorthSigned
Roy Beggs06/03/1995East AntrimSigned
Martyn Jones07/03/1995Clwyd South WestSigned
Dafydd Wigley08/03/1995CaernarfonSigned
Nick Harvey09/03/1995North DevonSigned
Eddie McGrady09/03/1995South DownSigned
Bill O'Brien09/03/1995NormantonSigned
Tommy Graham20/03/1995Renfrew West and InverclydeSigned
Harry Cohen23/03/1995LeytonSigned
Janet Anderson27/03/1995Rossendale & DarwenSigned
Barry Sheerman30/03/1995HuddersfieldSigned
Judith Church03/04/1995DagenhamSigned
Nigel Jones16/05/1995CheltenhamSigned
Derek EnrightUnknownWithdrawn

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