Closure Of Upperby Rail Maintenance Depot Carlisle
EDM number 267 in 1994-95, proposed by Eric Martlew on 13/12/1994.
That this House expresses serious concern about the detrimental effect the closure of the Upperby Railway Maintenance Depot in Carlisle will have on the reliability of rail services throughout Cumbria, South West Scotland and North West England; is not convinced by the assurances given by InterCity West Coast, Regional Railways and Transrail, that services will not be detrimentally affected by this proposed closure; calls for this decision to be reviewed immediately; is further appalled at the loss of rail jobs that the proposed closure will cause; and strongly condemns the lack of meaningful consultation, as it became clear during that process that the decision to close the depot had already been taken. (Relevant registered interest declared.)
This motion has been signed by a total of 69 MPs.
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