Parliament Website

Closure Of Upperby Rail Maintenance Depot Carlisle

EDM number 267 in 1994-95, proposed by Eric Martlew on 13/12/1994.

That this House expresses serious concern about the detrimental effect the closure of the Upperby Railway Maintenance Depot in Carlisle will have on the reliability of rail services throughout Cumbria, South West Scotland and North West England; is not convinced by the assurances given by InterCity West Coast, Regional Railways and Transrail, that services will not be detrimentally affected by this proposed closure; calls for this decision to be reviewed immediately; is further appalled at the loss of rail jobs that the proposed closure will cause; and strongly condemns the lack of meaningful consultation, as it became clear during that process that the decision to close the depot had already been taken. (Relevant registered interest declared.)

This motion has been signed by a total of 69 MPs.

Eric Martlew13/12/1994CarlisleProposed
Keith Bradley13/12/1994Manchester, WithingtonSigned
Colin Pickthall13/12/1994West LancashireSigned
Stephen Byers13/12/1994WallsendSigned
James Callaghan13/12/1994Heywood & MiddletonSigned
Dale Campbell-Savours13/12/1994WorkingtonSigned
David Clelland13/12/1994Tyne BridgeSigned
Harry Cohen13/12/1994LeytonSigned
John Cummings13/12/1994EasingtonSigned
Gwyneth Dunwoody13/12/1994Crewe & NantwichSigned
Kenneth Eastham13/12/1994Manchester, BlackleySigned
John Garrett13/12/1994Norwich SouthSigned
John Gunnell13/12/1994Leeds South and MorleySigned
Tony Banks13/12/1994Newham North WestSigned
Gerry Steinberg13/12/1994Durham, City ofSigned
Malcolm Wicks13/12/1994Croydon North WestSigned
David Winnick13/12/1994Walsall NorthSigned
John Marek13/12/1994WrexhamSigned
Peter Pike13/12/1994BurnleySigned
Robert Parry13/12/1994Liverpool, RiversideSigned
Terry Patchett13/12/1994Barnsley EastSigned
Terry Rooney13/12/1994Bradford NorthSigned
John Heppell13/12/1994Nottingham EastSigned
Keith Hill13/12/1994StreathamSigned
David Hinchliffe13/12/1994WakefieldSigned
Robert Hughes13/12/1994Aberdeen NorthSigned
John Hutton13/12/1994Barrow & FurnessSigned
Glenda Jackson13/12/1994Hampstead & HighgateSigned
Jane Kennedy13/12/1994Liverpool BroadgreenSigned
Peter Kilfoyle13/12/1994Liverpool, WaltonSigned
Tony Lloyd13/12/1994StretfordSigned
Andrew MacKinlay13/12/1994ThurrockSigned
Rhodri Morgan13/12/1994Cardiff WestSigned
Jim Wallace14/12/1994Orkney & ShetlandSigned
Peter Hardy14/12/1994WentworthSigned
Paul Tyler14/12/1994North CornwallSigned
John Battle14/12/1994Leeds WestSigned
Harry Barnes14/12/1994North East DerbyshireSigned
Mike Hall14/12/1994Warrington SouthSigned
John Evans14/12/1994St Helens NorthSigned
Jeremy Corbyn14/12/1994Islington NorthSigned
Ray Michie14/12/1994Argyll & ButeSigned
Bill Michie14/12/1994Sheffield, HeeleySigned
William McKelvey14/12/1994Kilmarnock & LoudounSigned
John McAllion14/12/1994Dundee EastSigned
Roy Hughes14/12/1994Newport EastSigned
Ernie Ross14/12/1994Dundee WestSigned
Richard Burden14/12/1994Birmingham, NorthfieldSigned
Audrey Wise15/12/1994PrestonSigned
James Wray15/12/1994Glasgow ProvanSigned
Hugh Bayley15/12/1994York, City ofSigned
Tommy Graham15/12/1994Renfrew West and InverclydeSigned
Eric Clarke15/12/1994MidlothianSigned
Alan Meale15/12/1994MansfieldSigned
Jimmy Hood15/12/1994ClydesdaleSigned
Dennis Skinner15/12/1994BolsoverSigned
Bill Etherington15/12/1994Sunderland NorthSigned
Keith Vaz16/12/1994Leicester EastSigned
Max Madden19/12/1994Bradford WestSigned
Jim Dowd19/12/1994Lewisham WestSigned
Barry Sheerman20/12/1994HuddersfieldSigned
Janet Anderson20/12/1994Rossendale & DarwenSigned
John Spellar10/01/1995Warley WestSigned
Barry Jones10/01/1995Alyn & DeesideSigned
Ken Livingstone10/01/1995Brent EastSigned
Michael Connarty10/01/1995Falkirk EastSigned
Martin Redmond11/01/1995Don ValleySigned
Nick Harvey11/01/1995North DevonSigned
Roland Boyes19/01/1995Houghton and WashingtonSigned

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