Parliament Website

John Radcliffe Hospital

EDM number 1551 in 1994-95, proposed by Andrew Smith on 31/10/1995.

That this House congratulates Stephen Westaby, his team and all the staff at the John Radcliffe Hospital on their wonderful achievement in carrying out the first implantation of an artificial heart of this kind for indefinite use; and wishes the patient, Mr Abel Goodman, all the best for the future.

This motion has been signed by a total of 23 MPs.

Andrew Smith31/10/1995Oxford EastProposed
Bridget Prentice31/10/1995Lewisham EastSigned
Dawn Primarolo31/10/1995Bristol SouthSigned
Jane Kennedy31/10/1995Liverpool BroadgreenSigned
Anne Campbell31/10/1995CambridgeSigned
Dennis Turner31/10/1995Wolverhampton South EastSigned
John Cummings01/11/1995EasingtonSigned
Mike Hall01/11/1995Warrington SouthSigned
Norman Godman01/11/1995Greenock and Port GlasgowSigned
Bill Michie01/11/1995Sheffield, HeeleySigned
William McKelvey01/11/1995Kilmarnock & LoudounSigned
John McAllion01/11/1995Dundee EastSigned
Lynne Jones01/11/1995Birmingham, Selly OakSigned
Ernie Ross01/11/1995Dundee WestSigned
Ken Livingstone02/11/1995Brent EastSigned
Michael Connarty02/11/1995Falkirk EastSigned
John Gunnell02/11/1995Leeds South and MorleySigned
Keith Vaz03/11/1995Leicester EastSigned
Eddie Loyden06/11/1995Liverpool, GarstonSigned
Michael Clapham06/11/1995Barnsley West & PenistoneSigned
Jeremy Corbyn06/11/1995Islington NorthSigned
Ian McCartney07/11/1995MakerfieldSigned
Janet Anderson07/11/1995Rossendale & DarwenSigned

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