Parliament Website

Mental Health

EDM number 1487 in 1994-95, proposed by Alice Mahon on 19/10/1995.

That this House deplores the proposed power to take and convey in the Mental Health (Patients in the Community) Bill; notes that this power may be used to convey compulsorily patients living in the community to any place where the patient is required to reside or attend for the purpose of medical treatment, occupation, education or training; further notes that there is no restriction on who can exercise this power which may be used at any time, in any circumstances, with no requirement to inform the patient of the reasons for its use; welcomes the report Care not Coercion, published by the Association of Community Health Councils for England and Wales, the British Association of Social Workers, the Community Psychiatric Nurses' Association, the Law Society, Liberty, the Mental After Care Association, the Mental Health Foundation, MIND, the Royal College of Nursing, Survivors Speak Out and UNISON, which highlights concerns that this power is unethical, impractical, may drive patients away from services, risks contravening the European Convention on Human Rights and seeks to compel patients to receive services when there is no guarantee that those services will be provided; and calls upon the Secretary of State to remove this power and concentrate on ensuring that mental health needs are met through services and facilities within the community which are adequately funded and properly reflect the philosophy of community care.

This motion has been signed by a total of 80 MPs.

Alice Mahon19/10/1995HalifaxProposed
Dawn Primarolo19/10/1995Bristol SouthSigned
Terry Rooney19/10/1995Bradford NorthSigned
Nick Harvey19/10/1995North DevonSigned
Nigel Jones19/10/1995CheltenhamSigned
Terry Lewis19/10/1995WorsleySigned
Gwyneth Dunwoody19/10/1995Crewe & NantwichSigned
Peter Hain19/10/1995NeathSigned
Hugh Bayley19/10/1995York, City ofSigned
Gerry Sutcliffe19/10/1995Bradford SouthSigned
Michael Connarty20/10/1995Falkirk EastSigned
John Cummings23/10/1995EasingtonSigned
Paddy Tipping23/10/1995SherwoodSigned
Janet Anderson23/10/1995Rossendale & DarwenSigned
John Heppell23/10/1995Nottingham EastSigned
Peter Hardy23/10/1995WentworthSigned
Allan Rogers23/10/1995RhonddaSigned
Bill Michie24/10/1995Sheffield, HeeleySigned
Paul Tyler24/10/1995North CornwallSigned
Jack Thompson24/10/1995WansbeckSigned
George Stevenson24/10/1995Stoke-on-Trent SouthSigned
John Battle24/10/1995Leeds WestSigned
Harry Barnes24/10/1995North East DerbyshireSigned
Norman Godman24/10/1995Greenock and Port GlasgowSigned
Neil Gerrard24/10/1995WalthamstowSigned
Terry Davis24/10/1995Birmingham, Hodge HillSigned
Jim Cunningham24/10/1995Coventry South EastSigned
Lawrence Cunliffe24/10/1995LeighSigned
Robin Corbett24/10/1995Birmingham, ErdingtonSigned
Ronnie Campbell24/10/1995Blyth ValleySigned
Peter Pike24/10/1995BurnleySigned
Ernie Ross24/10/1995Dundee WestSigned
Norman Hogg24/10/1995Cumbernauld & KilsythSigned
Russell Johnston24/10/1995Inverness, Nairn and LochaberSigned
John McAllion24/10/1995Dundee EastSigned
William McKelvey24/10/1995Kilmarnock & LoudounSigned
Bill Olner24/10/1995NuneatonSigned
Keith Bradley24/10/1995Manchester, WithingtonSigned
Menzies Campbell24/10/1995Fife North EastSigned
Ann Coffey24/10/1995StockportSigned
Colin Pickthall25/10/1995West LancashireSigned
Tony Banks25/10/1995Newham North WestSigned
John Gunnell25/10/1995Leeds South and MorleySigned
Win Griffiths25/10/1995BridgendSigned
Roger Godsiff25/10/1995Birmingham Small HeathSigned
John Evans25/10/1995St Helens NorthSigned
Jean Corston25/10/1995Bristol EastSigned
David Chidgey25/10/1995EastleighSigned
Edward O'Hara25/10/1995Knowsley SouthSigned
Barry Jones25/10/1995Alyn & DeesideSigned
Simon Hughes25/10/1995Southwark and BermondseySigned
Robert Hughes25/10/1995Aberdeen NorthSigned
Rachel Squire25/10/1995Dunfermline WestSigned
Jeremy Corbyn25/10/1995Islington NorthSigned
Peter Snape26/10/1995West Bromwich EastSigned
Eric Illsley26/10/1995Barnsley CentralSigned
John McFall26/10/1995DumbartonSigned
Malcolm Chisholm26/10/1995Edinburgh LeithSigned
Bruce George26/10/1995Walsall SouthSigned
Mike Hall26/10/1995Warrington SouthSigned
Gerry Steinberg26/10/1995Durham, City ofSigned
Jim Wallace26/10/1995Orkney & ShetlandSigned
Robert Wareing27/10/1995Liverpool, West DerbySigned
Diane Abbott27/10/1995Hackney North & Stoke NewingtonSigned
Greville Janner30/10/1995Leicester WestSigned
Andrew MacKinlay30/10/1995ThurrockSigned
Alex Carlile30/10/1995MontgomerySigned
Gerry Bermingham30/10/1995St Helens SouthSigned
Keith Vaz30/10/1995Leicester EastSigned
Chris Davies31/10/1995Littleborough and SaddleworthSigned
Roland Boyes01/11/1995Houghton and WashingtonSigned
Roy Hughes01/11/1995Newport EastSigned
Ken Livingstone02/11/1995Brent EastSigned
Andrew Miller02/11/1995Ellesmere Port & NestonSigned
Maria Fyfe02/11/1995Glasgow, MaryhillSigned
Barry Sheerman06/11/1995HuddersfieldSigned
Eric Martlew06/11/1995CarlisleSigned
Michael Clapham06/11/1995Barnsley West & PenistoneSigned
Malcolm Bruce07/11/1995GordonSigned
Mike Watson07/11/1995Glasgow CentralSigned

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