Parliament Website

Attacks Upon The Press In Croatia;amdt. Line 7:

EDM number 1333A1 in 1994-95, proposed by Robert N Wareing on 18/07/1995.

at end add `believes that authoritarianism has been the hallmark of the Croatian state since its inception in 1991, a feature of which has been its toleration of extremist elements taking their cue from the Ustasha of Hitler's puppet Croatian state; condemns its suppression of the large Serb minority in Croatia and its brutal seizure of Western Slovonia, ethnically cleansing the indigenous Serb population there; and warns of the plans of the Tudjman regime to do likewise in the rest of the Krajina following the Croat military offensive for which Zagreb is currently preparing.'.

This is a ammendment to 1333.

This motion has been signed by a total of 2 MPs.

Robert Wareing18/07/1995Liverpool, West DerbyProposed
Mike Gapes18/07/1995Ilford SouthSigned

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