Parliament Website

Birmingham City Council (No. 2)

EDM number 999 in 1993-94, proposed by Jeff Rooker on 12/04/1994.

That this House notes the claim in the Conservative Party political broadcast of Wednesday 6th April that Birmingham City Council spent ú400 on recycled paper clips instead of the ú12 normal cost; believes this claim was designed to ridicule Birmingham's contribution to National Environmental Week in 1992; welcomes the fact that this national event was taken seriously as an educational exercise by the Second City; understands that the modest total expenditure of ú400 included the collation, layout and publication of a programme of 70 local environmental events on recycled paper, postage costs of sending environmental educational materials to the schools and the costs of using some waste plastic to create heart shaped plastic paper clips to be given to children as an example of making a product from waste; believes all this information was known to Birmingham Conservative councillors and therefore available to Saatchi and Saatchi, the makers of the broadcast, and the Chairman of the Conservative Party who represents a Birmingham constituency.

This motion has been signed by a total of 65 MPs.

Jeff Rooker12/04/1994Birmingham, Perry BarrProposed
Clare Short12/04/1994Birmingham, LadywoodSigned
Roy Hattersley12/04/1994Birmingham SparkbrookSigned
Lynne Jones12/04/1994Birmingham, Selly OakSigned
Estelle Morris12/04/1994Birmingham, YardleySigned
Richard Burden12/04/1994Birmingham, NorthfieldSigned
Robin Corbett12/04/1994Birmingham, ErdingtonSigned
Terry Davis12/04/1994Birmingham, Hodge HillSigned
Andrew Faulds13/04/1994Warley EastSigned
James Wray13/04/1994Glasgow ProvanSigned
Dennis Turner13/04/1994Wolverhampton South EastSigned
John Battle13/04/1994Leeds WestSigned
Harry Barnes13/04/1994North East DerbyshireSigned
Mike Hall13/04/1994Warrington SouthSigned
Norman Godman13/04/1994Greenock and Port GlasgowSigned
Derek Enright13/04/1994HemsworthSigned
Jimmy Dunnachie13/04/1994Glasgow, PollokSigned
Eric Clarke13/04/1994MidlothianSigned
Keith Bradley13/04/1994Manchester, WithingtonSigned
Bill Michie13/04/1994Sheffield, HeeleySigned
Alan Meale13/04/1994MansfieldSigned
Ken Livingstone13/04/1994Brent EastSigned
David Clelland14/04/1994Tyne BridgeSigned
Keith Vaz14/04/1994Leicester EastSigned
Win Griffiths14/04/1994BridgendSigned
Roger Godsiff14/04/1994Birmingham Small HeathSigned
John Evans14/04/1994St Helens NorthSigned
Jim Dowd14/04/1994Lewisham WestSigned
Ian Davidson14/04/1994Glasgow, GovanSigned
Jean Corston14/04/1994Bristol EastSigned
Michael Clapham14/04/1994Barnsley West & PenistoneSigned
William McKelvey14/04/1994Kilmarnock & LoudounSigned
Ian McCartney14/04/1994MakerfieldSigned
John McAllion14/04/1994Dundee EastSigned
John Heppell14/04/1994Nottingham EastSigned
Dennis Skinner14/04/1994BolsoverSigned
Ernie Ross14/04/1994Dundee WestSigned
Greg Pope14/04/1994HyndburnSigned
Colin Pickthall14/04/1994West LancashireSigned
Edward O'Hara14/04/1994Knowsley SouthSigned
Bridget Prentice15/04/1994Lewisham EastSigned
Barry Jones18/04/1994Alyn & DeesideSigned
Alun Michael18/04/1994Cardiff South & PenarthSigned
John Cummings18/04/1994EasingtonSigned
Janet Anderson18/04/1994Rossendale & DarwenSigned
Tony Banks18/04/1994Newham North WestSigned
David Winnick18/04/1994Walsall NorthSigned
Donald Anderson19/04/1994Swansea EastSigned
Eric Illsley19/04/1994Barnsley CentralSigned
Michael Connarty19/04/1994Falkirk EastSigned
Anne Campbell19/04/1994CambridgeSigned
Andrew Miller19/04/1994Ellesmere Port & NestonSigned
Peter Hardy19/04/1994WentworthSigned
Terry Patchett20/04/1994Barnsley EastSigned
Dawn Primarolo20/04/1994Bristol SouthSigned
Martin Redmond20/04/1994Don ValleySigned
Tommy Graham20/04/1994Renfrew West and InverclydeSigned
Jeremy Corbyn21/04/1994Islington NorthSigned
John Gunnell21/04/1994Leeds South and MorleySigned
Max Madden25/04/1994Bradford WestSigned
Harry Cohen25/04/1994LeytonSigned
Martyn Jones27/04/1994Clwyd South WestSigned
George Galloway29/04/1994Glasgow HillheadSigned
Doug Hoyle04/05/1994Warrington NorthSigned
Allan Rogers25/05/1994RhonddaSigned

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