Parliament Website

Guardian Financial Services Insurance Company

EDM number 847 in 1993-94, proposed by John Denham on 14/03/1994.

That this House notes with concern that Guardian Financial Services, formerly Guardian Royal Exchange, lost ú8.3 million of policyholders' money lent to the property company Baronrealm; further notes that the company had invested ú36 million of policyholders' funds into its own subsidiary sales company, GRE Financial Management, which was clearly unprofitable; deplores the general lack of care with which the company has invested policy holders' money; and calls on the Department of Trade and Industry to investigate the poor investment record of the company.

This motion has been signed by a total of 38 MPs.

John Denham14/03/1994Southampton, ItchenProposed
Dennis Skinner14/03/1994BolsoverSigned
Michael Connarty15/03/1994Falkirk EastSigned
Harry Barnes15/03/1994North East DerbyshireSigned
Norman Godman15/03/1994Greenock and Port GlasgowSigned
Paul Flynn15/03/1994Newport WestSigned
Jimmy Dunnachie15/03/1994Glasgow, PollokSigned
Jim Dowd15/03/1994Lewisham WestSigned
Lawrence Cunliffe15/03/1994LeighSigned
John Cummings15/03/1994EasingtonSigned
Bill Michie15/03/1994Sheffield, HeeleySigned
William McKelvey15/03/1994Kilmarnock & LoudounSigned
Ian McCartney15/03/1994MakerfieldSigned
John McAllion15/03/1994Dundee EastSigned
Eddie Loyden15/03/1994Liverpool, GarstonSigned
Lynne Jones15/03/1994Birmingham, Selly OakSigned
Eric Illsley15/03/1994Barnsley CentralSigned
Ernie Ross15/03/1994Dundee WestSigned
Colin Pickthall15/03/1994West LancashireSigned
Robert Parry16/03/1994Liverpool, RiversideSigned
Mike Hall16/03/1994Warrington SouthSigned
Win Griffiths16/03/1994BridgendSigned
Keith Bradley16/03/1994Manchester, WithingtonSigned
John Hutton16/03/1994Barrow & FurnessSigned
Alan Simpson16/03/1994Nottingham SouthSigned
Bridget Prentice16/03/1994Lewisham EastSigned
Greg Pope16/03/1994HyndburnSigned
Derek Enright17/03/1994HemsworthSigned
George Galloway17/03/1994Glasgow HillheadSigned
Alex Carlile21/03/1994MontgomerySigned
Martyn Jones22/03/1994Clwyd South WestSigned
Nigel Jones22/03/1994CheltenhamSigned
Ken Livingstone23/03/1994Brent EastSigned
Tommy Graham23/03/1994Renfrew West and InverclydeSigned
Nick Ainger24/03/1994PembrokeSigned
Michael Clapham29/03/1994Barnsley West & PenistoneSigned
Brian Wilson12/04/1994Cunninghame NorthSigned
Jack Thompson21/04/1994WansbeckSigned

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