Parliament Website

Mediation UK

EDM number 80 in 1993-94, proposed by Jean Corston on 24/11/1993.

That this House accepts that Mediation is an important process of alternative dispute resolution, which helps communities and individuals to learn to handle their own conflicts, leading to a saving in time and money by local government and in the civil and criminal courts; notes that mediation UK is the only umbrella organisation for all those actively interested in constructive conflict resolution and that this organisation's aim is to make available conflict resolution skills to every citizen in pursuit of the growth of community participation and protection of human rights; acknowledges that the number of local mediation services has risen from 17 to 60 in the last two years, comprising 35 neighbour/community, 25 victim/offender and 10 school schemes and that Mediation UK is increasingly consulted by other organisations, including Victim Support and the Home Office; notes that the Home Office seconded the Organisation's Director for the initial two year period, and that funding had been available from a number of charitable trusts, but that these are now coming to an end and that the future existence of Mediation UK is therefore under threat; and accordingly calls on the Government to make available funding to enable Mediation UK to continue its valuable work.

This motion has been signed by a total of 70 MPs.

Jean Corston24/11/1993Bristol EastProposed
Dawn Primarolo24/11/1993Bristol SouthSigned
Roger Berry24/11/1993KingswoodSigned
Frank Cook24/11/1993Stockton NorthSigned
Ann Coffey24/11/1993StockportSigned
Stan Orme24/11/1993Salford EastSigned
George Mudie24/11/1993Leeds EastSigned
Jane Kennedy24/11/1993Liverpool BroadgreenSigned
John Spellar24/11/1993Warley WestSigned
Barbara Roche24/11/1993Hornsey & Wood GreenSigned
Chris Mullin24/11/1993Sunderland SouthSigned
Keith Bradley25/11/1993Manchester, WithingtonSigned
Harry Barnes25/11/1993North East DerbyshireSigned
Tony Banks25/11/1993Newham North WestSigned
Norman Godman25/11/1993Greenock and Port GlasgowSigned
John Evans25/11/1993St Helens NorthSigned
Bill Etherington25/11/1993Sunderland NorthSigned
Derek Enright25/11/1993HemsworthSigned
Jim Dowd25/11/1993Lewisham WestSigned
Terry Davis25/11/1993Birmingham, Hodge HillSigned
Tom Cox25/11/1993TootingSigned
Alex Carlile25/11/1993MontgomerySigned
William McKelvey25/11/1993Kilmarnock & LoudounSigned
John McAllion25/11/1993Dundee EastSigned
Ken Livingstone25/11/1993Brent EastSigned
Nigel Jones25/11/1993CheltenhamSigned
Lynne Jones25/11/1993Birmingham, Selly OakSigned
Glenda Jackson25/11/1993Hampstead & HighgateSigned
Alan Simpson25/11/1993Nottingham SouthSigned
Ernie Ross25/11/1993Dundee WestSigned
Bridget Prentice25/11/1993Lewisham EastSigned
Harry Cohen26/11/1993LeytonSigned
Audrey Wise26/11/1993PrestonSigned
Michael Connarty29/11/1993Falkirk EastSigned
Keith Hill29/11/1993StreathamSigned
Alice Mahon29/11/1993HalifaxSigned
Clive Soley30/11/1993HammersmithSigned
John Heppell30/11/1993Nottingham EastSigned
Kate Hoey30/11/1993VauxhallSigned
Simon Hughes30/11/1993Southwark and BermondseySigned
Win Griffiths30/11/1993BridgendSigned
Mike Hall30/11/1993Warrington SouthSigned
Jack Thompson30/11/1993WansbeckSigned
Eric Illsley01/12/1993Barnsley CentralSigned
Janet Anderson01/12/1993Rossendale & DarwenSigned
Michael Clapham01/12/1993Barnsley West & PenistoneSigned
Max Madden01/12/1993Bradford WestSigned
David Clelland02/12/1993Tyne BridgeSigned
John Battle02/12/1993Leeds WestSigned
Dennis Turner02/12/1993Wolverhampton South EastSigned
Tony Worthington02/12/1993Clydebank & MilngavieSigned
Neil Gerrard06/12/1993WalthamstowSigned
Martyn Jones08/12/1993Clwyd South WestSigned
John Gunnell08/12/1993Leeds South and MorleySigned
Roland Boyes08/12/1993Houghton and WashingtonSigned
Ian McCartney08/12/1993MakerfieldSigned
Stephen Byers09/12/1993WallsendSigned
David Steel09/12/1993Tweeddale, Ettrick and LauderdaleSigned
Matthew Taylor10/12/1993TruroSigned
Jim Wallace16/12/1993Orkney & ShetlandSigned
Mike Gapes17/12/1993Ilford SouthSigned
Hugh Bayley12/01/1994York, City ofSigned
Keith Vaz24/01/1994Leicester EastSigned
Don Foster27/01/1994BathSigned
Barry Sheerman01/02/1994HuddersfieldSigned
Dale Campbell-Savours03/02/1994WorkingtonSigned
John Fraser03/02/1994NorwoodSigned
Tommy Graham03/02/1994Renfrew West and InverclydeSigned
David Rendel10/02/1994NewburySigned
Kim Howells23/02/1994PontypriddSigned

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