Block Exemption Renewal
EDM number 684 in 1993-94, proposed by David Marshall on 24/02/1994.
That this House believes that the system of selective distribution of motor vehicles in the United Kingdom and European Union, authorised by EC Block Exemption 123/85, provides substantial benefits to consumers, distributors and manufacturers in a fully competitive environment; further believes that selective exclusive dealer networks provide guaranteed levels of competent service for the complex safety and environmental equipment in modern motor vehicles, provide for a wide geographical spread of dealers throughout the European Union and effectively facilitate rapid and effective recall campaigns, and safeguards the integrity of dealers' operating territories helping them to achieve adequate returns on their investment in people and service thereby inspiring confidence for further investment; and therefore, calls upon Her Majesty's Government to take note of the views of the car industry and recommend the renewal of Automotive Block Exemption to the European Commission as a matter of urgency. (Relevant registered interest declared).
This motion has been signed by a total of 42 MPs, 1 of these signatures have been withdrawn.
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