Parliament Website

National Minimum Wage;amdt. Line 1:

EDM number 635A1 in 1993-94, proposed by Alan Duncan on 28/02/1994.

leave out from second 'that' to end and add 'as the policy varies from state to state, there is no single national minimum wage rate in the United States of America; that the last thing one would find in the United States of America is the combination of statutory trade union-dominated works councils, a uniform statutory minimum wage of the kind proposed by the Labour Party and a statutory limit on working hours; that the United States has enjoyed a remarkable record of job creation, far outstripping the European Community; and rejects the Labour Party's corporatist policies which would destroy jobs, reduce wages and let the trade unions through the backdoor to power.'.

This is a ammendment to 635.

This motion has been signed by a total of 27 MPs, 3 of these signatures have been withdrawn.

Alan Duncan28/02/1994Rutland & MeltonProposed
Barry Porter28/02/1994Wirral SouthSigned
Peter Thurnham28/02/1994Bolton North EastSigned
Roy Thomason28/02/1994BromsgroveSigned
John Sykes28/02/1994ScarboroughSigned
John Hannam28/02/1994ExeterSigned
Michael Grylls28/02/1994Surrey North WestSigned
Nick Ainger28/02/1994PembrokeSigned
Cheryl Gillan28/02/1994Chesham & AmershamSigned
Nigel Forman28/02/1994Carshalton & WallingtonSigned
Michael Fabricant28/02/1994Staffordshire MidSigned
David Evans28/02/1994Welwyn HatfieldSigned
Harold Elletson28/02/1994Blackpool NorthSigned
Bob Dunn28/02/1994DartfordSigned
Nirj Deva28/02/1994Brentford & IsleworthSigned
Edwina Currie28/02/1994South DerbyshireSigned
David Congdon28/02/1994Croydon North EastSigned
Julian Brazier28/02/1994CanterburySigned
David Nicholson28/02/1994TauntonSigned
Patrick Nicholls28/02/1994TeignbridgeSigned
Fergus Montgomery28/02/1994Altrincham and SaleSigned
Oliver Heald28/02/1994Hertfordshire NorthSigned
Warren Hawksley28/02/1994Halesowen and StourbridgeSigned
David Shaw28/02/1994DoverSigned
John WattsUnknownWithdrawn
Roger EvansUnknownWithdrawn
Robert B JonesUnknownWithdrawn

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