Parliament Website

Visit Of Her Majesty The Queen To The Avonlea Centre, Leicester

EDM number 226 in 1993-94, proposed by Keith Vaz on 09/12/1993.

That this House welcomes the visit of Her Majesty the Queen to the Avalon Centre, Duxbury Road, Leicester, on Thursday 9th December; recognises the excellent community work that is achieved at the centre under the direction of the centre's manager Mahendra Solanki; and considers that the project is an outstanding example of all that is good about the multi-cultural and diverse City of Leicester.

This motion has been signed by a total of 10 MPs.

Keith Vaz09/12/1993Leicester EastProposed
Ken Livingstone10/12/1993Brent EastSigned
Alan Meale13/12/1993MansfieldSigned
Eric Clarke13/12/1993MidlothianSigned
James Wray13/12/1993Glasgow ProvanSigned
Brian H Donohoe14/12/1993Cunninghame SouthSigned
John Evans14/12/1993St Helens NorthSigned
Mike Hall14/12/1993Warrington SouthSigned
John Battle14/12/1993Leeds WestSigned
Michael Clapham15/12/1993Barnsley West & PenistoneSigned

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