Parliament Website

Privatisation Of Civil Service Work In The North East

EDM number 1604 in 1993-94, proposed by Nicholas Brown on 18/10/1994.

That this House notes with concern the proposed privatisation of the Information Technology Services Agency of the Department of Social Security at Washington and Long Benton, Newcastle on Tyne; notes that this is likely to lead to the loss of up to 500 jobs in areas where unemployment is already high; notes that contrary to Government policy, the staff have been given no opportunity to compete with the private sector; further notes that much of the information handled by ITSA is confidential; calls on the Government to take steps to ensure that the records handled by ITSA will remain confidential; also calls on the Government to permit the staff an opportunity to bid for the work; and, finally, calls for an assurance that, whatever happens, the jobs involved will remain in the North East.

This motion has been signed by a total of 48 MPs.

Nick Brown18/10/1994Newcastle upon Tyne EastProposed
Doug Henderson18/10/1994Newcastle upon Tyne NorthSigned
Chris Mullin18/10/1994Sunderland SouthSigned
Roland Boyes18/10/1994Houghton and WashingtonSigned
David Clelland18/10/1994Tyne BridgeSigned
Jim Cousins18/10/1994Newcastle upon Tyne CentralSigned
Bill Etherington18/10/1994Sunderland NorthSigned
Jack Thompson18/10/1994WansbeckSigned
Rhodri Morgan19/10/1994Cardiff WestSigned
Alan Williams19/10/1994Swansea WestSigned
Keith Vaz19/10/1994Leicester EastSigned
Janet Anderson19/10/1994Rossendale & DarwenSigned
Win Griffiths19/10/1994BridgendSigned
Jimmy Dunnachie19/10/1994Glasgow, PollokSigned
John Cummings19/10/1994EasingtonSigned
Eric Clarke19/10/1994MidlothianSigned
Ronnie Campbell19/10/1994Blyth ValleySigned
Alan Meale19/10/1994MansfieldSigned
William McKelvey19/10/1994Kilmarnock & LoudounSigned
John McAllion19/10/1994Dundee EastSigned
Lynne Jones19/10/1994Birmingham, Selly OakSigned
Peter Hardy19/10/1994WentworthSigned
Dennis Skinner19/10/1994BolsoverSigned
Ernie Ross19/10/1994Dundee WestSigned
Colin Pickthall20/10/1994West LancashireSigned
Dennis Turner20/10/1994Wolverhampton South EastSigned
Hugh Bayley20/10/1994York, City ofSigned
Harry Barnes20/10/1994North East DerbyshireSigned
Tony Banks20/10/1994Newham North WestSigned
Kenneth Eastham20/10/1994Manchester, BlackleySigned
Eddie Loyden20/10/1994Liverpool, GarstonSigned
Eric Illsley20/10/1994Barnsley CentralSigned
Bridget Prentice20/10/1994Lewisham EastSigned
Robert Parry20/10/1994Liverpool, RiversideSigned
Michael Connarty20/10/1994Falkirk EastSigned
Jeremy Corbyn21/10/1994Islington NorthSigned
Barry Jones24/10/1994Alyn & DeesideSigned
Alan Simpson25/10/1994Nottingham SouthSigned
Bill Michie25/10/1994Sheffield, HeeleySigned
Martyn Jones26/10/1994Clwyd South WestSigned
Gerry Steinberg26/10/1994Durham, City ofSigned
Tommy Graham26/10/1994Renfrew West and InverclydeSigned
Michael Clapham26/10/1994Barnsley West & PenistoneSigned
Ken Livingstone27/10/1994Brent EastSigned
Ian Davidson27/10/1994Glasgow, GovanSigned
Derek Enright27/10/1994HemsworthSigned
Mike Hall27/10/1994Warrington SouthSigned
Joyce Quin31/10/1994Gateshead EastSigned

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