Parliament Website

Solicitors For Sheikh Of Abu Dhabi And The Legal Aid Process

EDM number 1421 in 1993-94, proposed by Keith Vaz on 29/06/1994.

That this House notes with grave concern the contents of a letter dated 11th March from Ms Simons and Simmons Solicitors to Mr Jon Owne of the Legal Aid Board in which the solicitors acting on behalf of His Highness Shaikh Zayed Bin-Sulla Al Nahyan, the ruler of Abu Dhabi and President of the United Arab Emirates, seeks to make representations to deny former employees of the Bank of Commerce and Credit International legal aid to pursue a claim against him; considers it an outrage that the ruler of a foreign country who claims immunity in British courts should interfere in the question of granting legal aid; and calls on the Lord Chancellor and the Foreign Secretary to immediately initiate an inquiry.

This motion has been signed by a total of 25 MPs.

Keith Vaz29/06/1994Leicester EastProposed
John Cummings30/06/1994EasingtonSigned
Harry Barnes30/06/1994North East DerbyshireSigned
Dennis Turner30/06/1994Wolverhampton South EastSigned
Lynne Jones04/07/1994Birmingham, Selly OakSigned
Jim Dowd04/07/1994Lewisham WestSigned
Janet Anderson04/07/1994Rossendale & DarwenSigned
Jean Corston05/07/1994Bristol EastSigned
Derek Enright05/07/1994HemsworthSigned
Jimmy Dunnachie05/07/1994Glasgow, PollokSigned
Michael Connarty05/07/1994Falkirk EastSigned
David Clelland05/07/1994Tyne BridgeSigned
Bill Michie05/07/1994Sheffield, HeeleySigned
Ken Livingstone05/07/1994Brent EastSigned
Ken Purchase05/07/1994Wolverhampton North EastSigned
Ian McCartney06/07/1994MakerfieldSigned
Bill Etherington06/07/1994Sunderland NorthSigned
Tommy Graham06/07/1994Renfrew West and InverclydeSigned
Tony Banks06/07/1994Newham North WestSigned
Dale Campbell-Savours07/07/1994WorkingtonSigned
Michael Clapham07/07/1994Barnsley West & PenistoneSigned
Jeremy Corbyn08/07/1994Islington NorthSigned
Mike Hall13/07/1994Warrington SouthSigned
Mike Gapes20/07/1994Ilford SouthSigned
John Gunnell20/07/1994Leeds South and MorleySigned

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