Conduct Of The Hon Member For Liverpool Mossley Hill And The Rt Hon Member For;tweeddale, Ettrick And Lauderdale
EDM number 1138 in 1993-94, proposed by Jane Kennedy on 27/04/1994.
That this House deplores the conduct of the honourable Member for Liverpool, Mossley Hill, in using the coat of arms and House of Commons imprint in election material distributed to the constituencies of other honourable Members; notes that he has failed to apologise to the House for this breach of the rules; further notes that the explanation he has given to the Sergeant at Arms is identical to the explanation given by the Right honourable Member for Tweeddale, Ettrick and Lauderdale on 7th May 1986, Official Report, column 233, for an identical breach of the rules; and believes that this is too great a coincidence and indicates that the honourable Member knew that the rules of the House were being broken.
This motion has been signed by a total of 44 MPs.
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