Parliament Website

Abolition Of The Right To Appeal For Visitors To The UK

EDM number 801 in 1992-93, proposed by Graham Allen on 11/11/1992.

That this House deplores the attack upon the rights of Black, Asian and ethnic minority and other British and settled families in the United Kingdom by the Conservative Government's proposal to abolish the right of appeal for those visitors to the United Kingdom who are wrongly denied entry; notes that last year 1,700 individuals from the Asian sub-continent alone won their appeal against unjust refusal and were allowed into the United Kingdom to visit friends and relatives; notes that in future thousands of similar unjust refusals will not be overturned if the right to appeal is abolished; and calls for honourable Members to petition the Conservative Prime Minister to withdraw this proposal from the Asylum and Immigration Appeals Bill immediately.

This motion has been signed by a total of 46 MPs.

Graham Allen11/11/1992Nottingham NorthProposed
Max Madden11/11/1992Bradford WestSigned
Mike Watson11/11/1992Glasgow CentralSigned
John Fraser11/11/1992NorwoodSigned
Alan Meale11/11/1992MansfieldSigned
Jeremy Corbyn11/11/1992Islington NorthSigned
Bryan Davies12/11/1992Oldham Central and RoytonSigned
Roger Godsiff12/11/1992Birmingham Small HeathSigned
George Galloway12/11/1992Glasgow HillheadSigned
Derek Enright12/11/1992HemsworthSigned
Terry Davis12/11/1992Birmingham, Hodge HillSigned
Tom Cox12/11/1992TootingSigned
Ronnie Campbell12/11/1992Blyth ValleySigned
Keith Bradley12/11/1992Manchester, WithingtonSigned
Bill Michie12/11/1992Sheffield, HeeleySigned
William McKelvey12/11/1992Kilmarnock & LoudounSigned
John McAllion12/11/1992Dundee EastSigned
Eric Illsley12/11/1992Barnsley CentralSigned
Ernie Ross12/11/1992Dundee WestSigned
Alex Carlile16/11/1992MontgomerySigned
John Cummings16/11/1992EasingtonSigned
Gerry Steinberg17/11/1992Durham, City ofSigned
John Battle17/11/1992Leeds WestSigned
Richard Burden17/11/1992Birmingham, NorthfieldSigned
Joyce Quin17/11/1992Gateshead EastSigned
Robert Parry17/11/1992Liverpool, RiversideSigned
Tommy Graham17/11/1992Renfrew West and InverclydeSigned
Peter Hardy18/11/1992WentworthSigned
Austin Mitchell18/11/1992Great GrimsbySigned
Edward O'Hara18/11/1992Knowsley SouthSigned
Bridget Prentice19/11/1992Lewisham EastSigned
Ron Leighton19/11/1992Newham North EastSigned
Bill Etherington19/11/1992Sunderland NorthSigned
Keith Vaz19/11/1992Leicester EastSigned
Jean Corston23/11/1992Bristol EastSigned
Greg Pope25/11/1992HyndburnSigned
Andrew Faulds25/11/1992Warley EastSigned
Jimmy Hood26/11/1992ClydesdaleSigned
Jack Thompson26/11/1992WansbeckSigned
Martyn Jones30/11/1992Clwyd South WestSigned
Dale Campbell-Savours30/11/1992WorkingtonSigned
Jim Cousins08/12/1992Newcastle upon Tyne CentralSigned
Bruce Grocott08/12/1992Wrekin, TheSigned
Elliot Morley10/12/1992Glanford and ScunthorpeSigned
Roland Boyes11/01/1993Houghton and WashingtonSigned
Lewis Moonie14/01/1993KirkcaldySigned

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