Parliament Website

Nottingham Health Authority Report

EDM number 2163 in 1992-93, proposed by Richard Alexander on 16/06/1993.

That this House deplores the use by honourable Members for political ends of an unpublished report on Nottingham Health Authority by the independent District Auditor; recognises the valuable service performed by the Nottingham Health Authority in enabling the development of a pioneering new form of treatment for alcohol and drug abusers; and regrets the use of Early Day Motion No 2115 to undermine a project which has brought benefits to many patients.

This motion has been signed by a total of 8 MPs.

Richard Alexander16/06/1993NewarkProposed
Nick Hawkins16/06/1993Blackpool SouthSigned
Angela Knight16/06/1993ErewashSigned
David Lidington16/06/1993AylesburySigned
Alan Duncan16/06/1993Rutland & MeltonSigned
Edward Garnier16/06/1993HarboroughSigned
Mike Hall16/06/1993Warrington SouthSigned
Keith Vaz17/06/1993Leicester EastSigned

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