Parliament Website

British Hostages In Abu Dhabi

EDM number 1634 in 1992-93, proposed by Keith Vaz on 17/03/1993.

That this House is astonished at the attitude of the Foreign and Commonwealth Office towards the plight of the six British citizens who have been detained for over 18 months by order of Sheikh Zayed and the Government of Abu Dhabi without any formal charge of any crime; although welcoming the comments by the Foreign Secretary in a letter of 17th March to the honourable Member for Leicester East that he understands the distress and worry which the detainees' prolonged detention is causing their families, believes that greater efforts should be taken on behalf of these British citizens; notes the fact that since the detentions were first ordered one of the detainees has died in Abu Dhabi; holds that it is inadequate that Her Majesty's Government considers it sufficient that some day in the future the detainees may be charged with a crime; notes the fact that the detainees possess information that is crucial to the victims of BCCI as well as the liquidators; believes that it is incumbent upon Her Majesty's Government to demand that these British citizens be either charged and offered a fair and just trial, or be released immediately; contrasts the attitude of Her Majesty's Government to the detainees with other British citizens detained abroad; and calls on the Foreign Secretary to meet with interested honourable Members immediately to discuss this important matter.

This motion has been signed by a total of 45 MPs.

Keith Vaz17/03/1993Leicester EastProposed
Bob Cryer17/03/1993Bradford SouthSigned
Eric Illsley18/03/1993Barnsley CentralSigned
Ken Livingstone18/03/1993Brent EastSigned
Alice Mahon18/03/1993HalifaxSigned
John Cummings18/03/1993EasingtonSigned
Terry Davis18/03/1993Birmingham, Hodge HillSigned
Norman Godman18/03/1993Greenock and Port GlasgowSigned
Harry Barnes18/03/1993North East DerbyshireSigned
Audrey Wise18/03/1993PrestonSigned
Derek Enright19/03/1993HemsworthSigned
Jim Dowd19/03/1993Lewisham WestSigned
Dennis Skinner19/03/1993BolsoverSigned
Bridget Prentice22/03/1993Lewisham EastSigned
Alan Meale22/03/1993MansfieldSigned
Bill Michie22/03/1993Sheffield, HeeleySigned
Eric Clarke22/03/1993MidlothianSigned
Jean Corston22/03/1993Bristol EastSigned
Lawrence Cunliffe22/03/1993LeighSigned
John Evans22/03/1993St Helens NorthSigned
Janet Anderson22/03/1993Rossendale & DarwenSigned
Ian McCartney23/03/1993MakerfieldSigned
Dennis Turner23/03/1993Wolverhampton South EastSigned
Jack Thompson23/03/1993WansbeckSigned
Michael Connarty23/03/1993Falkirk EastSigned
Alex Carlile23/03/1993MontgomerySigned
Martyn Jones23/03/1993Clwyd South WestSigned
Michael Clapham23/03/1993Barnsley West & PenistoneSigned
Helen Jackson24/03/1993Sheffield, HillsboroughSigned
Frank Cook24/03/1993Stockton NorthSigned
Jeremy Corbyn24/03/1993Islington NorthSigned
Robert Wareing24/03/1993Liverpool, West DerbySigned
Mike Watson24/03/1993Glasgow CentralSigned
Bill Etherington25/03/1993Sunderland NorthSigned
John Gunnell25/03/1993Leeds South and MorleySigned
Irene Adams25/03/1993Paisley NorthSigned
John Garrett25/03/1993Norwich SouthSigned
Eddie Loyden25/03/1993Liverpool, GarstonSigned
Nick Harvey25/03/1993North DevonSigned
Win Griffiths29/03/1993BridgendSigned
James Wray29/03/1993Glasgow ProvanSigned
Peter Hardy30/03/1993WentworthSigned
Roy Beggs30/03/1993East AntrimSigned
Max Madden31/03/1993Bradford WestSigned
Mike Hall31/03/1993Warrington SouthSigned

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