Conduct Of The Liquidation Of Bcci (No 4)
EDM number 1532 in 1992-93, proposed by John Gunnell on 04/03/1993.
That this House is amazed that Touche Ross, as receivers for BCCI, have to date received fees of over ú100 million, as revealed in answer to a written question from the honourable Member for Morley and Leeds South; notes that they have now stated that their fees are 'reduced to ú600,000 per week' and is disgusted to note that this enables them to pursue small companies, like Mone Brothers of Morley, Leeds, with threats of court action for monies which are not owed secure in the knowledge that win or lose their costs will be met by taxpayers and with apparent unconcern at the effects of their action on the security of those companies and their employees; and calls upon the President of the Board of Trade to take appropriate action.
This motion has been signed by a total of 64 MPs.
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