Parliament Website

Conduct Of The Liquidation Of Bcci (No 4)

EDM number 1532 in 1992-93, proposed by John Gunnell on 04/03/1993.

That this House is amazed that Touche Ross, as receivers for BCCI, have to date received fees of over ú100 million, as revealed in answer to a written question from the honourable Member for Morley and Leeds South; notes that they have now stated that their fees are 'reduced to ú600,000 per week' and is disgusted to note that this enables them to pursue small companies, like Mone Brothers of Morley, Leeds, with threats of court action for monies which are not owed secure in the knowledge that win or lose their costs will be met by taxpayers and with apparent unconcern at the effects of their action on the security of those companies and their employees; and calls upon the President of the Board of Trade to take appropriate action.

This motion has been signed by a total of 64 MPs.

John Gunnell04/03/1993Leeds South and MorleyProposed
Harry Barnes04/03/1993North East DerbyshireSigned
Keith Vaz04/03/1993Leicester EastSigned
Jimmy Boyce04/03/1993RotherhamSigned
Roger Berry04/03/1993KingswoodSigned
John Battle04/03/1993Leeds WestSigned
Kevin Barron04/03/1993Rother ValleySigned
Peter Hain04/03/1993NeathSigned
Derek Fatchett04/03/1993Leeds CentralSigned
Bryan Davies04/03/1993Oldham Central and RoytonSigned
Richard Burden04/03/1993Birmingham, NorthfieldSigned
Terry Rooney04/03/1993Bradford NorthSigned
Colin Pickthall04/03/1993West LancashireSigned
George Mudie04/03/1993Leeds EastSigned
Keith Hill04/03/1993StreathamSigned
Kevin Hughes04/03/1993Doncaster NorthSigned
Robert Hughes04/03/1993Aberdeen NorthSigned
Glenda Jackson04/03/1993Hampstead & HighgateSigned
Barry Jones04/03/1993Alyn & DeesideSigned
Alice Mahon04/03/1993HalifaxSigned
John McAllion04/03/1993Dundee EastSigned
Alan Meale04/03/1993MansfieldSigned
Lynne Jones05/03/1993Birmingham, Selly OakSigned
Ken Livingstone05/03/1993Brent EastSigned
John Evans05/03/1993St Helens NorthSigned
Keith Bradley08/03/1993Manchester, WithingtonSigned
Audrey Wise08/03/1993PrestonSigned
Norman Godman08/03/1993Greenock and Port GlasgowSigned
Jimmy Dunnachie08/03/1993Glasgow, PollokSigned
John Cummings08/03/1993EasingtonSigned
Michael Connarty08/03/1993Falkirk EastSigned
Eric Clarke08/03/1993MidlothianSigned
William McKelvey08/03/1993Kilmarnock & LoudounSigned
Ian McCartney08/03/1993MakerfieldSigned
Eric Illsley08/03/1993Barnsley CentralSigned
Ernie Ross08/03/1993Dundee WestSigned
Jeff Rooker08/03/1993Birmingham, Perry BarrSigned
Bridget Prentice08/03/1993Lewisham EastSigned
Bill Michie08/03/1993Sheffield, HeeleySigned
Dennis Turner09/03/1993Wolverhampton South EastSigned
Robert Wareing09/03/1993Liverpool, West DerbySigned
Janet Anderson09/03/1993Rossendale & DarwenSigned
Mike Gapes09/03/1993Ilford SouthSigned
Jim Dowd09/03/1993Lewisham WestSigned
David Clelland09/03/1993Tyne BridgeSigned
Alan Milburn09/03/1993DarlingtonSigned
John Heppell09/03/1993Nottingham EastSigned
Peter Hardy09/03/1993WentworthSigned
Dennis Skinner09/03/1993BolsoverSigned
Terry Davis09/03/1993Birmingham, Hodge HillSigned
John Hutton10/03/1993Barrow & FurnessSigned
Michael Clapham10/03/1993Barnsley West & PenistoneSigned
Mike Hall10/03/1993Warrington SouthSigned
Martin Redmond11/03/1993Don ValleySigned
Win Griffiths11/03/1993BridgendSigned
Jamie Cann11/03/1993IpswichSigned
Doug Hoyle11/03/1993Warrington NorthSigned
Dawn Primarolo11/03/1993Bristol SouthSigned
Jack Thompson16/03/1993WansbeckSigned
Martyn Jones23/03/1993Clwyd South WestSigned
Frank Cook23/03/1993Stockton NorthSigned
Paul Boateng24/03/1993Brent SouthSigned
Jo Richardson26/03/1993BarkingSigned
Greg Pope31/03/1993HyndburnSigned

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