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EDM number 81 in 1991-92, proposed by Harry Ewing on 05/11/1991.

That this House is appalled at the cavalier and dismissive attitude of the Prime Minister in responding to the question from the honourable Member for Falkirk East on Tuesday, 5th November on the 169 job losses announced by British Alcan Aluminium plc, at their factory in Bainsford, Falkirk; and calls upon the Prime Minister to at least show some concern for those who are made unemployed and the hardship it brings to them and their families.

This motion has been signed by a total of 42 MPs.

Harry Ewing05/11/1991Falkirk EastProposed
William McKelvey05/11/1991Kilmarnock & LoudounSigned
Tom Clarke05/11/1991Monklands WestSigned
Bob Cryer05/11/1991Bradford SouthSigned
Alexander Eadie05/11/1991MidlothianSigned
Andrew Faulds05/11/1991Warley EastSigned
David Lambie06/11/1991Cunninghame SouthSigned
Harry Barnes06/11/1991North East DerbyshireSigned
Tony Banks06/11/1991Newham North WestSigned
Tommy Graham06/11/1991Renfrew West and InverclydeSigned
Tom Cox06/11/1991TootingSigned
Keith Bradley06/11/1991Manchester, WithingtonSigned
Bill Michie06/11/1991Sheffield, HeeleySigned
John McAllion06/11/1991Dundee EastSigned
Adam Ingram06/11/1991East KilbrideSigned
Eric Illsley06/11/1991Barnsley CentralSigned
Peter Hardy06/11/1991WentworthSigned
Dennis Skinner06/11/1991BolsoverSigned
Ernie Ross06/11/1991Dundee WestSigned
Martin Redmond06/11/1991Don ValleySigned
Terry Lewis07/11/1991WorsleySigned
James Wray07/11/1991Glasgow ProvanSigned
Alan Williams07/11/1991Swansea WestSigned
Mike Watson07/11/1991Glasgow CentralSigned
Norman Godman07/11/1991Greenock and Port GlasgowSigned
Gordon Oakes07/11/1991HaltonSigned
Alan Meale07/11/1991MansfieldSigned
Eddie Loyden07/11/1991Liverpool, GarstonSigned
Robert Parry07/11/1991Liverpool, RiversideSigned
Jimmy Dunnachie07/11/1991Glasgow, PollokSigned
Frank Cook11/11/1991Stockton NorthSigned
Maria Fyfe12/11/1991Glasgow, MaryhillSigned
Ian McCartney12/11/1991MakerfieldSigned
Peter Pike12/11/1991BurnleySigned
John Cummings13/11/1991EasingtonSigned
Jack Thompson13/11/1991WansbeckSigned
Keith Vaz13/11/1991Leicester EastSigned
Chris Smith14/11/1991Islington South & FinsburySigned
Robert Litherland14/11/1991Manchester CentralSigned
Ken Livingstone20/11/1991Brent EastSigned
Michael Welsh21/11/1991Doncaster NorthSigned
Audrey Wise17/02/1992PrestonSigned

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