Parliament Website

Interference With The Police

EDM number 748 in 1991-92, proposed by John Wheeler on 25/02/1992.

That this House condemns the Labour Party's pledge, repeated in its latest Home Affairs policy document, to sweep magistrates from their places on police authorities; believes that the replacement of magistrates by elected members is designed to strengthen political control of police authorities; and deplores Labour Party plans to interfere with and frustrate the ability of police to exercise professional judgement in deciding how best to respond vigorously to crime.

This motion has been signed by a total of 13 MPs.

John Wheeler25/02/1992Westminster NorthProposed
Ivan Lawrence25/02/1992BurtonSigned
Janet Fookes25/02/1992Plymouth DrakeSigned
Roger Gale25/02/1992North ThanetSigned
John Greenway25/02/1992RyedaleSigned
David Sumberg25/02/1992Bury SouthSigned
Tim Rathbone26/02/1992LewesSigned
David Knox26/02/1992Staffordshire MoorlandsSigned
Alistair Burt26/02/1992Bury NorthSigned
Terry Dicks26/02/1992Hayes & HarlingtonSigned
Roy Beggs26/02/1992East AntrimSigned
Giles Shaw27/02/1992PudseySigned
George Gardiner27/02/1992ReigateSigned

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