Parliament Website

The County Of Herefordshire

EDM number 235 in 1991-92, proposed by Colin Shepherd on 21/11/1991.

That this House takes note of the fact that the ancient geographical county of Herefordshire still exists and its existence was in no way jeopardised by the creation of administrative counties in 1988-89, or by the reorganisation of local government in 1963 to 1965, 1972 to 1974 and 1973 to 1975; recognises that administrative authorities bearing the name county were created solely for the purpose of discharging the functions of the first tier of local government; believes that it is important to inhabitants of all geographical counties that their history and their cultural, social and sporting traditions should be enhanced and maintained; calls upon the Secretary of State for Transport to facilitate the erection of boundary posts for the county of Herefordshire on all motorways and trunk roads for which he is responsible to indicate to motorists which geographical county they are entering, and to instruct all local authorities to do likewise on roads and highways that they are responsible for; and calls for the Ordnance Survey to be empowered and instructed to show the ancient geographical county of Hertfordshire on their maps, in addition to, or instead of, the administrative areas that currently appear.

This motion has been signed by a total of 2 MPs.

Colin Shepherd21/11/1991HerefordProposed
John Butcher28/11/1991Coventry South WestSigned

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