Parliament Website

Leith Hospital And The Private Sector

EDM number 1273 in 1990-91, proposed by Ron Brown on 17/10/1991.

That this House is concerned at the further delay in building the promised new hospital for Leith; condemns Lothian Health Board's decision to seek a partner in this venture, rumoured to be Reo Stakis, notorious for cheap labour and high prices; and calls on the Scottish Health Minister to end back-door privatisation by providing additional public funds so that the board can live up to its motto - `putting patients first' - and to resource the Leith Project as planned.

This motion has been signed by a total of 47 MPs.

Ronald Brown17/10/1991Edinburgh LeithProposed
John McWilliam17/10/1991BlaydonSeconded
Nigel Griffiths17/10/1991Edinburgh SouthSeconded
Alexander Eadie17/10/1991MidlothianSeconded
Lewis Moonie17/10/1991KirkcaldySeconded
Tam Dalyell17/10/1991LinlithgowSeconded
Ron Davies17/10/1991CaerphillySigned
David Clelland17/10/1991Tyne BridgeSigned
Jimmy Dunnachie17/10/1991Glasgow, PollokSigned
Kenneth Eastham17/10/1991Manchester, BlackleySigned
Paul Flynn17/10/1991Newport WestSigned
Llin Golding17/10/1991Newcastle-under-LymeSigned
Graham Allen17/10/1991Nottingham NorthSigned
Tony Banks17/10/1991Newham North WestSigned
Harry Barnes17/10/1991North East DerbyshireSigned
Tony Benn17/10/1991ChesterfieldSigned
Joe Benton17/10/1991BootleSigned
Gerry Steinberg17/10/1991Durham, City ofSigned
Jack Thompson17/10/1991WansbeckSigned
Dennis Turner17/10/1991Wolverhampton South EastSigned
Joan Walley17/10/1991Stoke-on-Trent NorthSigned
Robert Wareing17/10/1991Liverpool, West DerbySigned
Michael Welsh17/10/1991Doncaster NorthSigned
David Winnick17/10/1991Walsall NorthSigned
Audrey Wise17/10/1991PrestonSigned
David Young17/10/1991Bolton South EastSigned
Harry Cohen17/10/1991LeytonSigned
Terry Patchett17/10/1991Barnsley EastSigned
Tom Pendry17/10/1991Stalybridge & HydeSigned
Martin Redmond17/10/1991Don ValleySigned
Clive Soley17/10/1991HammersmithSigned
Norman Hogg17/10/1991Cumbernauld & KilsythSigned
Jimmy Hood17/10/1991ClydesdaleSigned
Ken Livingstone17/10/1991Brent EastSigned
Eddie Loyden17/10/1991Liverpool, GarstonSigned
Alice Mahon17/10/1991HalifaxSigned
Eric Martlew17/10/1991CarlisleSigned
John Maxton17/10/1991Glasgow, CathcartSigned
Thomas McAvoy17/10/1991Glasgow, RutherglenSigned
William McKelvey17/10/1991Kilmarnock & LoudounSigned
Bill Michie17/10/1991Sheffield, HeeleySigned
Chris Mullin17/10/1991Sunderland SouthSigned
Keith Bradley17/10/1991Manchester, WithingtonSigned
Ronnie Campbell17/10/1991Blyth ValleySigned
Jeremy Corbyn17/10/1991Islington NorthSigned
Dennis Skinner18/10/1991BolsoverSigned
Roy Hughes21/10/1991Newport EastSigned

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