Parliament Website

Wolverhampton Health Authority And The Ambulance Dispute

EDM number 397 in 1989-90, proposed by Dennis Turner on 29/01/1990.

That this House welcomes the resolution carried by the Wolverhampton Health Authority at its meeting on 23rd January in which it drew the attention of the Secretary of State to the very serious disruption of services to the population of Wolverhampton resulting from the ambulance service dispute; and calls upon the Secretary of State for Health to implement its recommendations for an interim settlement to be reached based on the reasoned evidence presented by the parties to the dispute, to a mutually acceptable third party, and that such a third party should consider the evidence and offer advice to both the Secretary of State and the trade union on an appropriate settlement and that such an arrangement would allow more time to enable more thought to be given to procedures designed to avoid a recurrence of the present dispute.

This motion has been signed by a total of 39 MPs.

Dennis Turner29/01/1990Wolverhampton South EastProposed
Peter Snape29/01/1990West Bromwich EastSigned
James Wray29/01/1990Glasgow ProvanSigned
Jack Thompson29/01/1990WansbeckSigned
Bruce Grocott29/01/1990Wrekin, TheSigned
Gwyneth Dunwoody29/01/1990Crewe & NantwichSigned
Jimmy Dunnachie29/01/1990Glasgow, PollokSigned
Terry Davis29/01/1990Birmingham, Hodge HillSigned
David Clelland29/01/1990Tyne BridgeSigned
Richard Caborn29/01/1990Sheffield CentralSigned
Roland Boyes29/01/1990Houghton and WashingtonSigned
Stan Orme29/01/1990Salford EastSigned
Alan Meale29/01/1990MansfieldSigned
John McFall29/01/1990DumbartonSigned
Jim Marshall29/01/1990Leicester SouthSigned
George Howarth29/01/1990Knowsley NorthSigned
Norman Hogg29/01/1990Cumbernauld & KilsythSigned
Lawrence Cunliffe30/01/1990LeighSigned
John Cummings30/01/1990EasingtonSigned
John McAllion30/01/1990Dundee EastSigned
Robin Corbett30/01/1990Birmingham, ErdingtonSigned
Bill Michie30/01/1990Sheffield, HeeleySigned
Ian McCartney30/01/1990MakerfieldSigned
Eric Illsley30/01/1990Barnsley CentralSigned
Ernie Ross30/01/1990Dundee WestSigned
William McKelvey30/01/1990Kilmarnock & LoudounSigned
Dawn Primarolo31/01/1990Bristol SouthSigned
Keith Bradley31/01/1990Manchester, WithingtonSigned
John Battle31/01/1990Leeds WestSigned
Keith Vaz31/01/1990Leicester EastSigned
Chris Smith01/02/1990Islington South & FinsburySigned
Alice Mahon01/02/1990HalifaxSigned
Doug Hoyle01/02/1990Warrington NorthSigned
Allan Rogers06/02/1990RhonddaSigned
Peter Pike07/02/1990BurnleySigned
Peter Hardy07/02/1990WentworthSigned
Tony Banks13/02/1990Newham North WestSigned
Audrey Wise19/02/1990PrestonSigned
Tommy Graham20/02/1990Renfrew West and InverclydeSigned

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