Disabled People's Employment Training
EDM number 384 in 1989-90, proposed by Alice Mahon on 25/01/1990.
That this House acknowledges that the confidence of disabled students is reinforced when their basic training includes literacy, numeracy, health and safety at work and communication skills; and calls on the Secretary of State for Employment to instruct all Government training agencies that they must provide training provision for disabled people suited to sheltered employment, otherwise they are in breach of the Equal Opportunities policy and to require the Coventry Department of the Disability Advisory Services, when assessing the employment training needs of the disabled students who attend the the Coventry Technical College Ben Unit, to adhere strictly to the equal opportunities Code of Practice produced by the Department Training Agency, which states that to exclude people with disabilities , among other minority groups, from employment training is to deny them the opportunity fully to realise their skills and talents and to contribute to the economy rather than being condemned to a life dependent on state benefits.
This motion has been signed by a total of 37 MPs, 1 of these signatures have been withdrawn.
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